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Rinnakkaispiippuisen tuplaluodikon regulointi

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Liittynyt: 26 Maa 2004
Viestejä: 13930

LähetäLähetetty: 15.12.2009 18:05    Viestin aihe: Rinnakkaispiippuisen tuplaluodikon regulointi Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Nyt kun porukoilla alkaa olla hankittuna jonkin verran BAIKALin rinnakkaisia tuplia niin ajattelin laittaa esille vähän tietoa siitä mitä on otettava huomioon jos reguloidaan ns. perinteisellä tavalla tehtyä tuplaa. Luulisi olevan hyötyä myös säädettäväpiippuisten kanssa touhuttaessa.

Teksti on lainattu yhdeltä jenkkien asefoorumilta ja sen kirjoittaja on vanhempi herrasmies joka omistaa ja metsästää useilla eri kaliiberin rinnakkaispiippuisilla tuplilla joten tietänee mistä puhuu:

"The S/S double rifle works by it’s own rules, and those rules are entirely different from a single barreled rifle. I will try to explain, but to most who shoot double rifle for any length of time this is simply a repetition of info they have known , and seen in print form me for some years.

First, the S/S double rifle especially must be allowed to go through its recoil arch as when held in the shooter’s hands. The S/S double rifle should touch nothing other than the shooters’ hands, face, and shoulder. NEVER rested directly on the sand bags, or anything else. This is because the barrels have to recoil in a certain way to shoot regulation. This is because the barrels are soldered to have the line of sight from each barrel look at a different place on the target when the sights are aligned on the target before the triggers are pulled.

If you take the barrel set off your rifle, and clamp the lumps in a padded vice, with the front sight pointing to the bottom 6 o’clock on the bottom of the bull’s eye. Now place an empty case in each chamber,, with the primer removed or in your case a laser pointer. Look through the primer hole in the empty case or the spot on the target by the laser, and note where that barrel is pointed on the target in relation to where the sights are pointing. Here you will see that the RIGHT barrel will be looking at a point on the target that is LOW, and on the LEFT of the point of aim with the sights. The LEFT barrel will be looking at a point that is LOW, and RIGHT of the aiming point. This SEEMINGLY says that the barrels shots will CROSS, but that is not the case.

The barrels have to be soldered with the "LINE OF SIGHTS" crossing, but the bullets do NOT cross at any distance. A thing called BARREL TIME causes this!

Barrel time is the time the bullets are traveling down the bores of the barrels before they exit the muzzles. If the load is proper for the regulation built into the rifle, the bullet from the RIGHT barrel will hit the target just RIGHT of the point of aim, and the bullet from the LEFT barrel will hit the target just LEFT of the point of aim. This because when a S/S double rifle is fired the barrel being fired recoils UP, and AWAY from the other barrel. This is the reason the recoil arch must not be modified by placing the rifle in anything that restricts the natural recoil arches of the barrels. Things like a LEAD SLED. The Lead Sled and some other devices that restrict the UP and to the SIDE motion of the double rifle under recoil, tends to place a lot of strain on the wrist area of the butt stock, especially if the rifle has a sharp recoil, can not only effect the regulation, but in fact break the stock in the wrist area. If barrels are aligned parallel, the rifle will shoot very wide.

There is one thing you may not have thought of, your pipeline doesn't move while the oil is moving down the tube! sort of like a hose stretched out straight, will whip one way or the other when pressure is turned on. The double rifle barrels also move so that when the bullet exits the muzzle, the barrel is no longer pointed where it was when the sights were aligned on the target, and the trigger pulled. Believe me every thing you can think of has been tried, and it has been found that the trial and error is the only way that works."
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Liittynyt: 14 Elo 2008
Viestejä: 483

LähetäLähetetty: 19.12.2009 01:34    Viestin aihe: Re: Rinnakkaispiippuisen tuplaluodikon regulointi Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Mielenkiintoista tekstiä. Asesepät eivät juuri esittele tietojaan.
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Liittynyt: 29 Maa 2008
Viestejä: 3312
Paikkakunta: Vekkulan puukirkon takana.

LähetäLähetetty: 19.12.2009 11:56    Viestin aihe: Vastaa lainaamalla viestiä

Hyvä teksti ok. "Asesepät" haluaa säilyttää mystiikan, ja peittää näin tietämättömyytensä. Täällä foorumilla me kerromme jopa enemmän kuin tiedämmä Wink Laughing ja siten tyydytämme pätemisentarvettamme...
Mogens Trolle
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